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Go Wakamatsu

  • Based in Kagoshima , Japan

  • Born in 1984

  • Painting landscape and abstract by self study

  • Art materials used / softpastels


flowers, birds, wind and moon


​Love of nature and seasons

Be impressed and grateful for the small things in daily life

Our Japanese predecessors called the idea called


(flower, bird, wind, and moon).

I have faith in that.

My paintings depict my trivial impressions.

Introduction like a biography

Singer/songwriter, radio personality, CD jacket artwork, music video production.

I have had a diverse career to date. In 2020,

I encountered the art of painting.

The first work painted in 2020

Painting landscapes has changed the way I see the world.
I never realized how beautiful the landscapes I see all the time are.
I didn't know sunsets had such colors.
I didn't know that night is not just pitch black. I didn't know there were colors in the night.


That Japan has four seasons, that the sky is never the same twice, that it is always changing, and to enjoy these changes.

Rather than drawing, first look at it. Watch carefully.

I have come to value what moves my heart. When you are moved, you want to tell someone, don't you? That's why I painted every day.


From 2022, he will also start to paint abstract paintings.

With more freedom and more childlike mind.

We are too much convinced that we make all decisions and take all actions by our own will. 

I paint as a part of nature, of this planet.
Abstract painting is for me a means of shedding meaning and intention.

I'll paint again.

Let the small emotions and gratitude of daily life guide you along the way.

With the heart of Kacho Fugetsu.

Finally, to you.

​Thanks for finding me.

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